
Knowledge connection

Knowledge connection

Knowledge connection:

1、H. S. code queryhttp://service.customs.gov.cn/default.aspx?tabid=9409

2、Chemical databasehttp://www.chemblink.com/indexC.htm

3、Chemical assistant networkhttp://cheman.chemnet.com/danger.html

4、MSDS query websitehttp://www.free-msds.net/index.php

5、World port queryhttp://port.sol.com.cn/

6、Nine principles of life

Peter principle

Each organization is made up of a variety of positions, ranks or ranks, each of which belongs to a certain level. Peter's principle is a conclusion drawn by Lawrence Peter, an American scholar, after studying the relevant phenomenon of personnel promotion in Organizations: in various organizations, employees tend to be promoted to their incompetent positions. Peter's principle is sometimes called the principle of climbing up. This phenomenon is ubiquitous in real life: a competent professor is promoted to President of a university, but he is not competent; an excellent athlete is promoted to an official in charge of sports, and he does nothing. For an organization, once a considerable number of people are pushed to the level of incompetence, it will cause the organization's overstaffing and inefficiency, resulting in the mediocrity to stand out and stagnate. Therefore, this requires changing the promotion mechanism of enterprise employees based on their contributions. It cannot be inferred that a person can be qualified for a higher level position because he / she has done a good job in a certain position. To promote an employee to a position where he or she can't play his or her talents well is not a reward to him or her, but a loss to the enterprise.

Law of wine and sewage

The law of wine and sewage refers to pouring a spoonful of wine into a bucket of sewage to get a bucket of sewage; if pouring a spoonful of sewage into a bucket of wine to get a bucket of sewage. In almost every organization, there are several difficult characters, whose purpose seems to be to make things worse. Worst of all, they are like rotten apples in the fruit box. If they are not handled in time, they will quickly infect and rot other apples in the fruit box. The horror of rotten apple lies in its amazing destructive power. An honest and capable person may be engulfed in a confused department, while an unethical and incompetent person can quickly turn an efficient department into a mess. The organizational system is often fragile, based on mutual understanding, compromise and tolerance, and easy to be violated and poisoned. Another important reason for the extraordinary capacity of saboteurs is that it is easier to destroy than to build. A craftsman takes time to make elaborate ceramics, and a donkey can be destroyed in a second. If there is such a donkey in an organization, no matter how many skilled workers there are, there will not be much decent work results. If you have a donkey in your organization, you should get rid of it immediately. If you can't do this, you should tie it up.

Cannikin Law

The bucket law is about how much water a bucket can hold. It depends on the shortest board. That is to say, any organization may face a common problem, that is, each part of the organization is often uneven, and the inferior part often determines the level of the whole organization. The water bucket law is different from the wine and sewage law. The latter discusses the destructive force in the organization. The shortest board is a useful part of the organization, but it's worse than other parts. You can't throw them away as rotten apples. Strength is only relative and cannot be eliminated. The problem lies in the extent to which you tolerate this weakness. If it is serious enough to become a bottleneck of work, you have to act.

The Matthew effect

In the New Testament, there is a story in Matthew: a king gave three servants a ingot of silver before his journey, and said, "go to do business, and come to see me when I come back.". When the king came back, the first servant said, "master, I have earned 10 ingots of silver from the ingot you gave me.". So the king rewarded him with 10 cities. The second servant said, "master, I have earned five ingots of silver for the ingot you gave me.". So the king rewarded him with five cities. The third servant reported, "master, I have always wrapped the silver ingot you gave me in my handkerchief for fear of losing it. I have never taken it out.". So the king ordered the first servant to be rewarded with a pound of silver from the third servant, saying, "whoever is few, even what he has, will be taken.". If there are many, we should give them more and better. This is the Matthew effect, which reflects a common phenomenon in today's society, that is, the winner takes all. For business development, Matthew effect tells us that if we want to maintain an advantage in a certain field, we must rapidly expand in this field. When you become a leader in a certain field, even if the return on investment is the same, you can easily get more profits than the weak peers. But if we don't have the strength to grow rapidly in a certain field, we must constantly look for new areas of development to ensure a better return.

Zero sum game principle

Zero sum game refers to a game in which players win or lose, one side wins is the other side loses, and the total score of the game is always zero. The principle of zero sum game is widely concerned because people can find the situation similar to zero sum game in all aspects of society. The glory of the winner often hides the bitterness and bitterness of the loser. In the 20th century, human beings experienced two world wars, rapid economic growth, scientific and technological progress, global integration and increasingly serious environmental pollution. The concept of zero sum game is gradually replaced by the concept of win-win. People are beginning to realize that benefits don't have to be based on harm. A happy ending through effective cooperation is possible. However, from zero sum game to win-win situation, all parties should have the spirit and courage of sincere cooperation, not small in cooperation

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